Portability : it is a procedure of carrying the instructions from one system to another system.
As Per observation when we are copying .exe file to any other computers which contains windows operating system then it works properly, Because native code is same
Same .exe file if we are copying to any other computer which contains UNIX/LINUX os then is doesn't works because native code is different so this behaiviour is called platform dependency.
Platform Depenedent, Independent
After developing any application on a specific OS if we are able to execute on same os then it is called platform dependent
If we are able to run on multiple OS then it is called platform independent.
C Programming Language
Platform dependent,mission independent PL i.e. is does not depend on hardwired component of a system.
Source code: Set of high level programming language and programming instructions.
Object code: Compiled format data of source code is called object code.
Native code: Unix instructions of a OS is native code.
Byte code: Java and c# related compiled code are called as byte code.
Source code and byte code are platform independent Object code and native code are platform dependent
C Programming doesn't support cross platform applications.
Modularity: When the application is developing in same modules or in functions then it is called modularity.
Mid-elevel: C programming language is called mid-level programming languageBecause it can support high-level language features in the combination of assembly language also.
Simple: C programming language syntaically similar to english and limited concepts are available.
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